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Cord blood contains stem cells that can save lives


Cord blood donated to a public bank can Be The Match - GIVE BIRTH TO HOPE to give birth to hope.

About 70% of patients who need a stem cell transplant do not have a matching donor in their own family. Since genetic types are inherited, patients are most likely to find a matching adult donor in their own racial group. But cord blood does not have to be perfectly matched: a 4 out of 6 (67%) match with cord blood is just as good as a 100% match with an adult donor. Hence public banks of donated cord blood are essential for patients of color and/or mixed ancestry.

Parent's Guide to Cord Blood logo Cord blood in family banks can be used to transplant an immediate relative, and patients who have a related donor have higher survival rates. Plus, there are now emerging therapies in which children use their own cord blood stem cells to help the body repair itself. In the future, children whose parents saved their cord blood may have better access to new stem cell therapies.


There is no reason not to bank cord blood.

Some mothers do not meet the medical requirements to donate their baby's cord blood, and donation is not available from all birthing centers. But most parents can bank cord blood for their family. Delayed cord clamping is compatible with family cord blood banking.


Where do I go to bank my baby's cord blood?


  1. If you wish to donate your baby's cord blood, find a public bank in your country and see how to donate cord blood.
  2. If you wish to save the cord blood privately, find a family bank in your country. Payment plans are usually available.
  3. Charitable programs that offer help for families in need of a stem cell transplant for an immediate relative of the baby.
  4. Learn more about cord blood banking cost